Thursday 21 June 2012

Childhood stuff #5 - blue ice cream

In my various blogs and paraphernalia, I write a lot about Ingoldmells. One of the fantastic things about Ingoldmells in the 80s was the unique culinary delights that could only be found there (by my 6 year old logic - in reality they were probably everywhere). One of these edible rarities was the blue ice cream available at the burger bar on the end of Sun City amusements, up near the beach. I have no idea if the burger bar is still there, but I've just Street Viewed Sun City and thank the lord they haven't pulled it down and replaced it with Harrods or anything yet. It was here as far as I remember

Anyway, I don't recall too much about what blue ice cream tasted like, but that was never really the point of it. What was really special was the novelty of being able to eat blue ice cream. Back in the day this was on a par with being able to eat diamond encrusted truffles, such was its rarity. Diamond encrusted truffles wouldn't be as good anyway, since they wouldn't even turn your tongue blue.

Anyhoo, I grew up and stopped going to Ingoldmells so much, and as such began to accept that blue ice cream was lost in the sands of time, a relic of my past. Until last Tuesday, because LOOK! -

The unlikely venue of Wakefield indoor market turned out to be the new home of the fabled blue ice cream, so naturally I bought some, after doing a little dance. It's advertised as bubblegum flavour, which I think is consistent with the Ingoldmells blue ice cream.
It tasted...odd, to say the least. It was actually like eating a big ball of frozen bubble gum, and it had a kind of powdery texture. But who fucking cares? It's BLUE!

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