Wednesday 4 July 2012

Camping Trick - a spoof Rainbow comic

10 points if you spot the Carry On gag -

Bananas Ahoy - a spoof Rainbow comic strip

At The Cinema - a spoof Rainbow comic strip

The following story is from this book -

Some creative liberties may have been taken with the story (in other words, I've changed the entire fucking thing)

Sunday 1 July 2012

Feel the burn Barbie!

Childhood stuff # 9 - Mad Dog McCree

Once again this is going to be about something I used to do in Ingoldmells. In the fabled BJ's amusements once stood a game so awesome you frequently died just from playing it. Cause of death – being shot by a ropey old actor in a cowboy outfit -

Mad Dog McCree was a live action shooting game, released by American Laser Games in 1990. Essentially, it was a movie you interacted with. This interaction came in the form of killing loads of people (or getting killed if you were me).

Here is a clip of one of the aforementioned ropey old actors -

Your character, I can assume, is something like Sid James' 'Rumpo Kid' in Carry on Cowboy. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to shoot the fuck out of any and all bad guys you encounter, while attempting to miss women and children. Because there are no female baddies ever.

What was great about Mad Dog McCree was that it was live action – real film as opposed to shooting at pixels. The baddies you shot had real bodies and real personalities, and probably wives and kids at home. Thus, the power of the universe was in your hands, and it was you who got to decide whether these poor saps lived or died. This, of course, only applies if you are actually good at this game. If you're me you'll just get shot straight away.